Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Latest loves

Yesterday I made this butternut squash and pear soup, it was pretty sweet but also had a good bite from the curry powder. Nice and simple too, I hate recipes with more than ten ingredients!

Having had chocolate chip success with Cat Can Cook's Awesome Banana Muffin Recipe I thought I'd try it with fudge pieces. They turned out darn tasty and very sticky, but when in the oven the fudge melted, boiled then exploded out of the muffins like lava leaving little holes in the tops! When baked as full size muffins in paper cases rather than in mini silicon cases there was less eruption of fudge lava, but I think I'll try toffee next time (but how to chop the toffee up small? Hmmm....)

In the world of clothes, it is now 6 days after payday and I haven't bought anything!! I'm frankly amazed, but the extra cash will come in very useful when I go to Barcelona in less than 5 weeks (I know, I can't wait). Some current favourites:

I have the tights in pink on grey and they look much better than these!

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